Jan 22, 2007

Another voice

Whenever Betty can't, I can manage the blog so she won't be fully burdened by having to do all the work. Thanks to Betty for inviting me. So, send the pics and keep the story going!

As noted below, PD took Mr Boots to the groomer, Kylie (not expecting to find a woman with that name), who groomed Mr B for free (makes the heart of a human purr). People in The Cats Pajamas are noting on his appearance, and PD says,

'He is fluffy, but still very skinny under that fluf. His skin is hanging off his frame. I doubt if he will ever fill that skin up but he certainly is adding a little meat and a lot of moisture! She adds: At least he is clean, smells good, and has an amazing amount of energy. He may live out his days looking a little scruffy since there is so little under his fluff. We have our miracle by the fact that he is alive and seems to be enjoying his new life.' And Susie and Mr B ate supper side-by-side tonight.

Shall we say that in addition to his fluffiness, he also has a bit of attitude? (I love that he now taps her with his paws for attention.)

The photo in the sidebar, dated 22 January, is Mr Boots, pre visit to the groomer. He had ventured forth from his sanctuary and was enjoying the top of the couch. He still looks a little wistful to me, but given the upheavals in this poor guy's life, who wouldn't look wistful?

The TCP crowd thanks Betty and Phyllis for their efforts.

Debbi wrote, Good going all that rescued Mr Boots. I sigh in relief and shudder in terror at thoughts of reading the note he was going to the "vet" after Wylie's death. Thank-you all who were a part of the rescue!

Val answered: Debbi, I think we all are, whether we could be present or not. We all connected in one way or another!


Lee (aka Caminante)

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