Dear Friends,
Mr. Boots drank a little water this morning but he is very weak. He stumbles and falls when he walks. I let him out of the bathroom every few hours to get some exercise, and he is weaker each time. Also he has massive diarrhea from the Ensure which Dan said would happen.
I'm thinking that it doesn't make sense to prolong this until Wednesday when we get the lab report. He is still fighting for life
but he is slowly losing the battle. He may not make it until Wednesday.
I have to play a concert at one, but I will take him back to Dan after that if it is ok with everyone. Dan has volunteer fire
training this morning.
Somehow this earlier note didn't come through:
Dan feels it needs to be two ounces 4 times a day. Except for Kathy my friends don't tend to be cat people. One has already said I am crazy to put myself through this and I should put him down now. I told her a whole group of people are involved - not just me. I couldn't put him down not knowing for sure. I need that answer first.
What is there to say other than God be with Mr Boots and Phyllis and Dan.
Early afternoon
There are a lot of TCP people out there with blurry computer screens and tears on their faces. Yet everyone supports Phyllis in whatever decisions she and Dr Dan will make on Mr Boots' behalf.
Just a sampling:
Lee wrote right after PD posted: May God hold you all, Mr Boots, Dr Dan, and you as you walk this uncertain path. You are with him and only you really can know. We are just on the periphery, watching.
Prayers are certainly with you and MB. I trust God will let you know if it's time to let MB go to the bridge. I'm with you whatever course this all takes. Phyllis, we love you for all you have done and are doing. We weep with you. It is time and we all do understand. Mr. Boots is ready to go to Wylie who awaits him. I'm crying my eyes out but know this is right. You gave him happiness for his last days and thank you ever so much for all you have done.
PJ water flowing down face
And Debbie writes: Phyllis, I know that both God and Wylie are with you as you make decisions for Mr. Boots. You know
we all on TCP want what is best for Mr. Boots, and if it is a trip to the bridge, then may he go peacefully, and may you realize the love surrounding you as you help him.
Dennis says: Whatever happens, he is worth every hour expended on him and every dollar as well. We would do it all over again in a heartbeat. And I know you will do whatever you can even if the worst is true. God's blessing on you and Mr. Boots.
Kim writes: It does sound like Mr. Boots is on the edge of the bridge. I remember well how Sarit got to that point.
I too trust you to do what is right. I am appreciative of all the love and attention you've given him. I know its heartbreaking to see him at this point. My prayers and love are with you as you make decisions and love him.
Caroline and the gingerbread cats try to support Phyllis:
We all love you for the special care and affection you have and are showing, and I think I speak for everyone in saying that whatever decisions you make WILL be the right ones for Mr. Boots. Everything you have done so far is wonderful and right. Painful as it may be, if it is time for Mr. Boots to cross the bridge, Wylie will be waiting there for him.
Remember that you have nothing but our love, prayers and admiration. Pet him for all of us, and take care of yourself as well.
Peter adds: Purrayers arise for you and Mr. Boots, as well as Dan. It really sounds like Mr. Boots is suffering, and as Lee said, you are the only ones who are there to make the judgment about likelihood of recovery.
Even if the lab tests indicate something that can be fixed, will Mr. Boots be able to withstand the required treatment by that time? If not, then ending his suffering seems a humane course.
Please know that we are with you as you make the difficult decisions.
And Lois says: You are — we are not, except in spirit. (Damn, it's hard to type while weeping!). You know, my dear, just how much Mr. Boots is suffering. You — with the consultation that I know you'll make with Dr. Dan — need to make the decision. WE SUPPORT YOU no matter what and when!
You have fulfilled the purpose for which we all prayed and you and Nancy and Betty — to let Mr. Boots know that he has continued to be loved just as he was when Wylie was loving him and able to care for him.
And you have fulfilled this purpose in spades! Well done, good and faithful servant!
Poor Mr. Boots. Sounds like he'll soon be reunited with Wylie at the bridge and they can cross the bridge together.
If you weren't in tears when you started reading this note, surely by now you are. At least this poster is.